Aliens Invade Earth

Kylie, John, Dylan, Brandon, Reggie, Giovanni, and Thomas are on a very dangerous adventure. We're trying to save planet Earth from alien destruction. Let's find out what happens!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Mom and Attorney Frank Wu

Hi John Anthony and Christina!

Meet Frank Wu! He's a famous lawyer who shared what it was like growing up and being called names because of how he looked.
He spoke so well about how we have to, "watch what we say to people." We can't talk about appearance when it comes to race. We have to be, ever so careful.
Remember when I told you to speak well and A.R.T.C.U.L.A.TE. your words? Here's what he said, so well, about democracy, "Diversity is like democracy a process not an outcome.” It’s a process not an outcome. We march and march again. We will have hope and optisim and the margins are making a new mainstream. We will make good on the promise of a diverse democracy."

Why is Mom sitting on the floor?

Hey you two!

It's 9:00 am and I woke up at 6:00 this morning. I was hoping you had a great night sleep. How's Scottie? I'm sitting on the floor at a very large convention center listening to speakers about diversity. I will try and phone you later.

I forgot to mention, there are TONS of young people here who support having a diverse school. I will explain further when you get here.


Check the comment section. It's easy to leave comments

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Hello from JFK

Hi guys!

It's me mom! I am writing you from JFK airport. My flight leaves in 45 minutes. Pray all goes well.

Christina, you MUST study for your test. Also, tell Msgr Funaro you want to audition for the Blessed Mother in the Xmas pageant.
John Anthony, how are you? How was school today? You must call David to arrange for a substitute. I called Ally Pond and told them you couldn't make it on Fri or Sun. Oh well, Boston is better. A few notes: help your dad with lunch; clean out your bowls for the morning lunch; there's chicken and fruit you can make if you are hungry.

TAKE A BATH tonight.

Hey Marco! This is neat, right? I will post my travels here. I sent you an email with some more NOTES. How are things going at home.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

My Dog

My dog's name is Scotti. He is one and a half years old. My dog is doing very well. So is my snake. When we try to take the bone from him he bites and growls at us. He is still not trainedto go to the bathroom in the right place.


My Dog

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Chapter 1 - Who Is This Person?

Once upon a time there were aliens who came to Earth. No one knew they were aliens. They looked just like me. But one day when I was getting ready for bed. An alien came to my room and introduced himself. I didn't know what to do.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

This is me at 6 years old

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

chapter 2 Why are you here?

My name is R5D4. I was so frightened. "Why are you here" said,John. "I am here to take over the earth". R5D4 pushed me againced the wall and broke the window. He went outside and flew away. I never seen him for several years. I hanged out with my friends for a few hours at the park. When I was leaving the park an alien named R248 jumped out of no where. Aliens surrounded my friends. Aliens surrounded me. I didn't know what to do. Panic or try to escape.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

chapter 3 Aliens UFO

I tried to fight but they were too srong. They took us into their UFO and trapped us in it. More aliens came and started invading Manhattan. There were alien guards blocking the doors of the UFO. The aliens had sting rays. The UFO was filled with planes that can fit five people. "What should we do?" said,John. "We should use those planes."said Brandon. The UFO took us to Jupiter. They took off their masks and every alien we saw had three eyes instead of two. The aliens at earth destroyed the City Bank. Money went flying everywhere.The alien guards came our way. What are they going to do with us?

Friday, January 19, 2007

chapter 4 The Fights in the UFO

Once the alien guards came toward us, we fought the aliens. John,Kylie,Brandon,Dylan,and Reggie were against the alien guards. John punched the first alien guard in the face really hard. It knocken two of the aliens teeth out. Reggie,Brandon,and Dylan kicked the second alien in the stomach. Kylie and John punched the third alien in the back of the head. The third alien got nauseous.We were all proud of everyone for defeating the three alien guards. Some how more toufer aliens appeared in the UFO. "What happened?" said John,Kylie,and Dylan. "Im ready for more action" said Reggie. We were all ready for another fight against the aliens. More aliens came to Manhattan and knocked down the Empire State Building. We kept on fighting the alien guards and we won.There was only one alien guard left. The alien threw us out of the UFO on to Jupiter. We were floating in the air and could'nt breath that well.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

chapter 5 Giovanni saves us

We couldn't barely breathe. Our friend from Jupiter Giovanni gave us air gum. Now we could breathe on Jupiter. Giovanni took us into his hole in Jupiter." Watch out. Were being hunted by aliens guards.said Giovanni." The alien guards were right obove us. "Since last year aliens were taking over Jupiter and every other planet.said Giovvanni."Why didn't you visit me?"said Giovanni. "Aliens invaded Earth and kept us here on Earth ontil they brought us into their UFO."said Kylie,John,and Reggie. The aliens saw us in the hole and came down. There were eight aliens coming down. We all punched them down. We came out of the hole and found some planes.When we got in the planes aliens appeared out of nowhere for the second time. We were ready for the easiest fight of our lives. It really wasn't easy. It was extremely hard. The aliens started attacking.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

chapter 6 Our way to Mars

The aliens punched John in the face and he fell down. "John is hurt!" yelled Kylie and Reggie. Somebody punched the aliens from behind. "Its Thomas!"said John. John tripped the aliens to the ground. We all made a run for it out of the plane. Thomas came with us. We found aUFO. We all took control of the UFO. We flew away from Jupiter. We tried to get to Earth but aliens shot us out of the sky. We landed on Mars. "Mayday, Mayday"said Brandon. "Lets all jump on three"said John. We still had air gum. "1, 2, 3, JUMP!"said Kylie. We all floated in Mars's little gravity. The aliens desroyed everything in the United States of America. Now they moved to Africa.We all examined Mars for powers to fly. "No signes of aliens"said Dylan."Hey I found something!"said Thomas and Giovanni. "Flying powers. We can all fly!"said everyone."Lets fly to Earth"said John. We all flew to Earth and made it safely. No people were there. It was just us there. We took planes all around the Earth but there were no people. But we all saw the aliens destroying Africa. We all saw the U.S.A destroyed. We jumped out of the planes. The aliens saw us in the sky. "How did you guys get back from Jupiter? How did you get flying powers? said R5D4. "We make a great team and we all worked together" said everybody. We all started fighting with the aliens. Thomas, Giovanni, Dylan, and Brandon killed every alien exept R5D4. Kylie and John killed R5D4. We didn't defeat the master of all aliens. We flew to South America. We do not know how tough he is. So lets go

chapter 7 Our way to the Strongest Alien

We flew to South America on a plane. Once we got there, aliens were ready to battle. Good thing everyone had a sword with them. We all chopped the alien's heads off. Then the strongest alien punched us onto the ground. We all said quietly,"1,2,3, TRIP. the strongest alien got tripped. R5D4 and the strongest alien got up and said,"your goin down!" We all stabbed R5D4 and the strongest alien. All the aliens were dead! Everyone cheered. "But were are all the people",said Reggie? We found a hole in the ground that it would take us to Saturn. We all jumped in the hole. We all found all the people floating on the rings. John said,"people, jump in that teleportation hole."The people jumped in the hole and everybody got back to Earth and returned to there normal lives.

Monday, January 01, 2007

chapter 7 Our way to the Strongest Alien

We flew to South America on a plane. Once we got there, aliens were ready to battle. Good thing everyone had a sword with them. We all chopped the alien's heads off. Then the strongest alien punched us onto the ground. We all said quietly,"1,2,3, TRIP. the strongest alien got tripped. R5D4 and the strongest alien got up and said,"your goin down!" We all stabbed R5D4 and the strongest alien. All the aliens were dead! Everyone cheered. "But were are all the people",said Reggie? We found a hole in the ground that it would take us to Saturn. We all jumped in the hole. We all found all the people floating on the rings. John said,"people, jump in that teleportation hole."The people jumped in the hole and everybody got back to Earth and returned to there normal lives. We all thanked each other for coming. "Do you think the aliens will come back?" "Someday,maybe someday."said John.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

This Is John Anthony's First Book - November 9, 2006